Dancers at Dance Elite Studio for the Arts have partnered with Make-A-Wish Toronto and Central Ontario to help the dream of a young girl become a reality.
The Milton dancers, along with parents, staff and studio owner and artistic director Marnie Palmer-Lang have been working to support a four-year-old girl they’ve never met. A Halton resident, she has acute bilateral pulmonary dysplasia, and her wish more than anything is to meet Ariel at Walt Disney World.
Make A Wish, which is an organization dedicated to granting the magical wishes of children with life-threatening medical conditions, will help to make the young girl’s wish come true.
Although the students at Dance Elite don’t know her personally, they know that she likes ballet and she loves Disney princesses. The local dance school has been busy all year round, with every dollar earned through competition wins, or performances, being donated to the cause. Their goal is to fundraise $10,000.
A fundraiser at yoga studio Moksha on April 26, where some 40 dance moms, friends, older dance students and staff gathered for a session, also raised funds for the cause.
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