Halton has its priorities set for the next four years with this week’s adoption of the Region’s Strategic Action Plan.
Extensive consultation with residents, businesses, community partners and regional staff has resulted in more than a dozen priorities that will shape the Region’s future from 2015 to 2018, Regional Chair Gary Carr said in a release following the approval of the plan.
“Regional Council’s Strategic Action Plane focuses on delivering high quality, cost-efficient programs and services that meet the evolving needs of the community,” Carr said. “I’m confident the plan reflects the priorities and the needs of the entire community.
“By working together we have shaped a bright future for Halton Region.”
The priorities have been organizes into six specific areas.
Planning Healthy, Complete Communities – what is needed for complete, active, healthy communities served by high-quality infrastructure.
Included in this section are improvements to the Region’s transportation network and the delivery of infrastructure necessary to support growth in existing urban areas.
These programs include an investment of $480 million in the Regional road capital program.
It also includes the promotion of an integrated transportation network that supports walking, cycling, transit, and passenger vehicles and goods movement.
Improved co-ordination with the local municipalities to ensure construction-related traffic disruptions are minimized, and that residents are well informed are also desired.
There is also a need to work with the Province to develop strategies for new and redesigned highways and highway interchanges throughout Halton in order to support growth and economic development.
Growing the Regional Economy – what is needed to support and sustain a strong regional economy and agricultural sector.
Included is development and re-development of 2,700 gross acres of employment areas as key drivers of Halton’s economy, the promotion of Halton to attract new businesses and visitors and the economic sustainability of the Region’s agriculture sector.
The Region must ensure employment lands are ready for investment by undertaking area service planning to fast track the development of employment lands.
Halton also needs to be promoted as one of the best locations in Canada for business investment by providing programs to support business success in the global marketplace.
Also needed is the transformation of the Halton Region Museum into a Heritage Resource Centre in collaboration with local heritage organizations in order to promote Halton’s heritage and enhance the visitor experience.
Halton tourism should also be promoted by highlighting agri-tourism, sports tourism, the escarpment and the waterfront.
Connecting People and Services – what will ensure residents have easy access to services they need.
This includes the delivery of new affordable and assisted housing opportunities, programs that support the health and well-being of all Halton residents and delivering integrated client-centered human services.
All told, some 360 new assisted housing opportunities are envisaged.
There is also a need for advocating better access to mental health services and increasing the number of licensed child care spaces, including special needs spaces while promoting the benefits of licensed child care to Halton parents.
Promoting Halton’s high-quality drinking water is also a priority as well as advocating Halton’s partnership with other Paramedic Services in order to improve the operations of the communications centre Paramedic response times
Governing for the Future – what is needed to maintain a strong financial foundation for the Region.
This includes maintaining the Region’s strong long-term AAA financial position, keeping the Region’s assets and infrastructure in a state of good repair and promoting a culture of public accountability, transparency and engagement.
In doing so, Halton needs to ensure tax rate increases for Regional services are maintained at or below the rate of inflation.
Adapting to Climate Change – to ensure the Region is prepared to respond to weather-related events and other emergencies.
Increasing the resiliency of Regional programs and infrastructure along with preparing for critical events and emergencies that impact Halton residents are included in this section.
The operation of four new public emergency response centres and wastewater infrastructure improvements are among the needed programs.
Also a priority is the undertaking of a flood mitigation study to identify opportunities to decrease risk of basement flooding resulting from weather events
Halton needs to develop and conduct emergency exercises to be better prepared for severe weather events while enhanced communications is needed during and prior to emergencies and critical incidents to ensure the public is kept informed and updated.
Also needed is an expansion and response capacity of the 311 call centre and the on-call key services response capabilities.
Protecting the Natural Environment – how the Region’s natural environment can be protected and enhanced while reducing its ecological footprint.
The protection and enhancement of the Region’s natural environment as well as the promotion of environmental sustainability in the delivery of services is included in this section, which includes a 5 per cent reduction in greenhouse gases related to Regional services and a 62 per cent waste diversion rate.
Halton also needs to finalize and implement the master plan for the Burlington Waterfront Park as well as implement the Waterfront Master Plans for Bronte and Burloak.
The four-year plan indentifies nearly 100 measurable actions to be undertaken throughout the term of this Council. Progress will also be tracked and recorded.
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