In conjunction with the 75-day countdown to the Pan American Games, a special 75-person citizenship ceremony was held at the Mattamy National Cycling Centre Monday morning.
New Canadians of all age...
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Residents share ideas at Milton meeting on provincial l...
by Milton
Creating a livable, walkable community and providing incentives to farmers were just two of the many ideas that came out of a public meeting on provincial land use.
On Wednesday, hundreds of reside...
Milton woman recognized for work helping victims of cri...
by Milton
A Milton woman was recognized for her selfless work for others with the 2015 Community Volunteer Award during a meeting of the Halton Regional Police Services Board on Thursday.
Kathleen Cox, who v...
Scouts set for tree planting at Halton Waste Management...
by Milton
In conjunction with Earth Day, about 100 Halton Scouts will dig in to their annual tree-planting ritual this Saturday (April 25).
They’ll do so at the Halton Waste Management Site (5400 Regional Rd. ...
Police seek help identifying suspect in Milton bank rob...
by Milton
Halton police are investigating following the attempted robbery of a bank in the west end of Milton Friday morning.
At about 7:15 a.m., a lone male suspect approached the TD Canada Trust at 6501 De...
Milton's Jones-Tyrell captures all-around gold at provi...
by Milton
The capability and commitment had always been there. Now confidence has been added to the mix.
With that final piece of the puzzle firmly in place, Keiara Jones-Tyrell has been tough — no, make tha...
Milton Optimist Club to hold free bike rodeo May 24
by Milton
The Milton Optimist Club will hold its third annual bike rodeo to help youth who are ready to learn and have fun.
The free event will educate youth, five to 10 years old, on bike safety. It will be h...
New Toronto Police Chief Mark Saunders a former Milton ...
by Milton
When the Toronto Police Services Board announced Monday that Mark Saunders would become the next chief, many Milton residents felt a wave of pride rush over them.
That’s because Saunders, 52, who’s...
Laurier to host holistic practices social work conferen...
by Milton
A conference on holistic practices will take place at the Halton Region Museum in Milton on May 21 and 22.
Wilfrid Laurier University’s Faculty of Social Work Professional Development program is host...
Halton Gutsy Walk for Crohn's and Colitis Canada in Oak...
by Milton
More than 400 participants in Halton are expected to once again show they have the guts to make Crohn’s and colitis stop by taking part in the 20th annual Gutsy Walk fundraiser.
The event is the la...