Long after their teammates had left the practice field Friday morning, Dan LeFevour and Jeremiah Masoli were still working on spot-passing drills with Ticat receiver hopeful Kelvin Bolden.
There's yo...
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Racing to the finish line, at 27th annual Special Athle...
by Milton
The Halton District School Board held their 27th annual Special Athletes Track Meet at Craig Keilburger Secondary School in Milton, this morning.
The track meet for athletes with physical and develop...
Milton student to volunteer at Tanzanian orphanage
by Milton
While most university students spend their summers working to cover the costs of post-secondary education, one Milton student has chosen to volunteer in Tanzania.
Rebecca Rothwell, 21, who’s studying...
Orange Model Management's Model Olivia Laferte in Vogue...
by Milton
It's been said that "good things can happen to - or for- you when you least expect it". Well in the case of upcoming model Olivia L., that proverb certainly holds true.
TORONTO, ON, June 11, 2014 /...
Halton public school board seeking applicants for Milto...
by Milton
The Halton District School Board is looking for someone to fill an upcoming trustee vacancy on its board.
In late May, Milton trustee Nancy MacNeill announced she would be leaving the board in late J...