Oakvillegreen is hosting a public forum featuring media personality and gardening guru Sean James in Oakville on Wednesday, April 8.
The Landscaping for Butterflies and Birds session will be held at Oakville’s Town Hall, 1225 Trafalgar Rd., in the Trafalgar Room at 7 p.m.
It will include a discussion led by James on practical ideas for planting native species that will attract pollinators and birds to a resident’s garden.
James is a master gardener and horticulturalist from Fern Ridge Landscaping.
There will also be an opportunity to learn about and order one of Oakvillegreen’s pollinator garden kits, which includes a selection of Halton-clay-friendly, and ecologist-approved, native plants to help attract butterflies and other pollinators.
The event is free for Oakville Conservation Association members, while non-members are asked to pay what they wish at the door.
For more information, about the event or the local conservation group, visit www.oakvillegreen.org or contact Giuliana at ed@oakvillegreen.org.
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