De'Longhi Pinguino 14,000 BTU Air-to-Air Portable Air C...
- Address:Milton
- Postal code:
- Country:Canada
With this De'Longhi Pinguino air-to-air portable air conditioner, you can cool a room, dehumidify it and purify the air. Featuring an innovative condensate recirculation system, this unit recycles condensation in the machine so there are no drips or bucket. It also has a 4105W heat pump function, so you can warm up a room and use the unit all year round.
Detail Link : http://www.bestbuy.ca/en-ca/product/delonghi-de-longhi-pinguino-14-000-btu-air-to-air-portable-air-conditioner-pacan140hpecb-black-pacan140hpecb/10238272.aspx?path=bd06e0941881319e298b1d74cb23f465en02
- Address:Milton
- Postal code:
- Country:Canada
2015-06-01Monday, June 1 at 12:00 am